Leadership Consulting
As a premier boutique leadership advisory firm, our Leadership Consulting Practice will assess, develop, coach, and accelerate leaders, teams, and organizations through thoughtful planning and execution. Wurster Partners has a strong appreciation and understanding of what exceptional leadership looks like, and how to select and develop leaders who create the conditions for continued business prosperity and success. Our consultants invest in building knowledge of leadership and expand our capabilities to help client organizations better respond to people driven opportunities across very complex business environments. We chart a strategic people and human resource strategy for clients as they continually advance their culture, attracting and developing the next generation of leadership across the enterprise.
Executive Assessment
and Development
Our executive development-focused assessments provide objective, actionable leadership development planning to identify future leaders, as well as create specific strategies and action plans to advance a diverse talent pipeline for critical roles, optimizing team efficiency and effectiveness for either existing or new executives joining a client organization. Drawing on insights from a comprehensive competency-based assessment model, our consultants help clients achieve their leadership potential and enhance their value over the longer term. We also leverage critical management assessment tools though several strategic alliances.
Whatever challenges an organization faces, a robust approach to leadership assessment, benchmarking, and development can help mitigate risk and optimize business growth. Having a succession planning process also minimizes disruption to the business. Our Leadership Consulting Practice enables a client organization predict executives' and candidates’ capacity to be successful in current and future business circumstances based on assessments that blend industry, function, personality, and individual performance.
More often than not, companies fail to harness the potential of talented new leaders against the existing internal executive talent. We help client organizations carefully design and implement structured transition support programs to welcome new executives, but also create thorough development programs to help existing leaders.
Team Performance
Effectiveness and Acceleration
Organizations that promote and retain high-performing leadership teams are more likely to realize future success. Our consultants measure the issues which have the greatest impact on the overall health of critical leadership teams, including team styles and dynamics, and provide counsel for improving team performance and alignment to ensure continued business growth and success. Our Leadership Consulting Practice advises across a number of areas regarding team performance, including team configuration, role definition and organizational talent mapping.
Whether advising a Board on a CEO transition or executing a strategic business priority or meaningful pivot, we open the influence and potential of core management teams by problem-solving critical areas which lead to overall change in team performance. Our proven team acceleration methodology utilizes a 360-degree diagnostic tool, assessing what is driving the team collaboration and acceleration, as well as what is blocking their potential. Using a team coaching mindset, our highly customized approach assists clients modify, design team configuration and structure, accelerating meaningful breakthroughs and focused, effective team development programming.